Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Top Ten Reasons Why We Love our KIDS and PETS

In honor of National Kids and Pets Day April 26th, we polled our staff and Facebook friends and came up with the top reasons why we love our little tots and furry friends. Read on and share your top reasons with us on Facebook!

1. Kids really do say the darndest things
2. I love my kitties even when they pick my floral arrangements to catnap in - Jenny W. on Facebook

Jenny Waldon

3. Puppy to full grown pup, you're always our loyal best friend
4. Even when they're messy, they're just so darn cute

5. They can be mean and moody one minute, but then give you the look that just melts your heart the next - Wendy H.L. on Facebook
6. Kitty cuddles and puppy licks in the morning are the best wake-up call of all

7. Because they love me at my best and even more when I'm at my worst - Misty R. on Facebook
8. When we're down they always manage to make us smile
9. Because kids and pets teach adults unconditional love - Corine K. on Facebook

And what's our favorite reason we love our kids and pets???

10. Because a home without kids or pets is like P&B without the J!

Happy National KIDS and PETS Day everyone!

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