Going to the Dogs is KIDS 'N' PETS' featured Pet Partner for August. We conducted a brief interview with Kersten from Going to the Dogs to get potty training tips and learn more about their pet adoption program!
What have you used KIDS ‘N’ PETS for?
We have used Kids N Pets for adoption events when cleaning up accidents from the puppies, and have also used it in foster homes for puppymill dogs in potty training that may need more "frequent cleanups"
What is the most popular question potential adopters ask?
The most popular question from potential adopters is actually "is it hard to give up your foster?" We always laugh and say that it may be tough because we form bonds with our fosters; however the idea of 1 dog being adopted in order to save many more is far more rewarding...and the foster dog leaving is guaranteed to have a wonderful life after all they had previously gone through and that is much more to give them than to not let them go.
Before adopting a pet what do you think is the most important thing to consider?
What the dog's breed/character/personality/activity in accordance to what your family lifestyle is? Many people have "ideas" of what breed they want based on its appearance or popularity; however if you analyze a home you may find that the particular breed or personality of the dog they think is a fit for them, may not be the case...they may need to consider a more active or mellow, less social or more social dog than the one they had planned. Many people put the idea of "mixed breeds" on the backburner, but in many of the cases, those dogs have the least rate of behavioral and medical concerns in my experience, so they turn out to be fantastic choices with a great blend of many great characteristics of many different breeds. Many online resources can guide a family to a list of things they should look for based on their lifestyle and then simply going to a rescue or shelter to meet those dogs meeting some of that criteria will help a family choose a better fit than sticking to a specific breed or "look" of a dog.
Any potty training tips?
Egg Timer!!! When you get a new dog, not even just a puppy...it is a very different transition for a dog to instantly know your schedule. Starting slow and consistent is the best way to get this accomplished. Put an egg timer on for 20 min and slowly increase the time over 2 weeks. If you have an accident or pitfall, go back down and repeat the last time...NEVER expect a puppy or senior to hold its bladder more than 6hrs...it is unrealistic and will set yourself up for frustrations. Aside from an egg timer, crate training is the most rewarding training that is not just positive for potty training, but many other things such as separation anxiety, having a safe place, and more.
If you are interested in adopting a dog from Going to the Dogs Rescue feel free to contact them at goingtothedogsmail@yahoo.com, they serve the Greater Western New York Area.