Thursday, March 17, 2011

Talking with Shelter Hearts

Shelter HEARTs is March's KIDS 'N' PETS featured Pet Partner. We conducted a brief interview with Melodye from Shelter HEARTs.
What have you used KIDS ‘N’ PETS for in the past?
We have used it on carpet squares that we can use in the kennels for animals to sleep on.

What is the most popular adopted pet at Shelter HEARTs?
We have a few breeds that are very popular-labs and heelers. Kittens are also a popular pet.

Before adopting a pet what do you think is the most important thing to consider?
Consider how that animal is going to fit into your family and your home. If it is a puppy consider all the items on their level that they can chew on. If you adopt an older dog consider getting them a bed or blanket to cushion older bones and joints.

Any great tricks on housetraining a pet?
If you are looking for more information visit Shelter HEARTs' website or email

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Spring Cleaning - Pet Accidents

Spring is in the air, the days are getting longer and the thermometer is starting to rise. That also means it’s time to pull out the elbow grease and the organizing bins because it’s time for Spring Cleaning!

Though it’s not everyone’s favorite time of year, at KIDS ‘N’ PETS we have to admit it’s one of our favorite times! Now is a great time for fresh beginnings and clean starts. It’s a great time to really tackle those stains and odors that have been haunting your house all winter. KIDS ‘N’ PETS’ line up of products is the ammunition a house needs to get rid of those unwanted stains and odors quickly and effectively.

In this Spring Cleaning post we are going to tackle cat and dog urine odor.

A carpet can easily be wrecked by a pet accident, the smell is overbearing and the stain can be embarrassing. Before you spend your hard earned money on new carpet, try KIDS ‘N’ PETS. The process is much simpler and far less expensive! If you are trying to remove cat urine odor or dog urine odor simply pour KIDS ‘N’ PETS Instant All-Purpose Stain and Odor Remover heavily on the pet accident. Let the area air dry. While removing an odor the smell may get worse before it gets better. The increase in smell can attract your pet to use this area again, so while it’s drying try to block your pet from the area. We suggest covering the area with a wicker basket (air still needs to get at it so it can dry).

Urine odors are one of the toughest odors to tackle. When cleaning a pet accident make sure to pour KIDS ‘N’ PETS Instant All-Purpose Stain and Odor Remover on heavily so it reaches all the urine, even deep into the carpet padding. If you are able to remove the entire urine odor, your pet will not be able to find that spot again to re-soil. If after one application, the odor is not be completely removed, we suggest reapplying KIDS ‘N’ PETS to the pet accident and letting it dry completely. The more product you use the longer it will take to dry. Depending how much is used it may take a few days to completely dry.

Ashley at Veater Family Blog suggests using it when the cat pees outside the litter box on your couch or carpet; it’s her number one product for cleaning up pet messes.

Stay tuned, there are many more KIDS ‘N’ PETS spring cleaning tips to come!